Thursday, October 4, 2012

activité culturale : concert des moyen-age || cultural activity : concert from the middle ages

on sunday after church, dr h got us tickets for a concert at the cluny museum of music from the middle ages. it was actually amazing. the concert was held in my 2nd favorite room of the museum, the room of the king's heads (my favorite being the room with the unicorn horn, duh).


the concert was made up of four people - three men and a woman. they all sang beautifully. they used crazy harmonies and used their instruments - l'harpe || the harp, le violon || an older and larger ancestor of the violin, and la cistre || an ancestor of the guitar - were used very sparingly.

each of the songs sung told a story - and they felt very elaborate. not that i could really understand them. but i understood that they were beautiful and that the performers were very talented.

i mean, come on.

feast your ears on this for a second. (enjoy the view of the notebook in my lap.)

forgive me for not knowing the technical terms...but there are two high parts in the song, and one of them is a man singing. impressed? you should be.

i loved this activity. i loved being able to listen to music from the middle ages and appreciate it for it's beauty. i loved being in the cluny, surrounded by statues from the middle ages. it was such a great look into french history, seeing it from another perspective. it was so cool!

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