Sunday, October 7, 2012

cathedral de chartres || chartres cathedral

date : 6 octobre, 2012

we met at the train station at o'dark thirty.

after sleeping the entire train ride to chartres, i was back to being a normal and happy person again. amazing what a little extra sleep can do for a girl!

i have wanted to go to chartres ever since my art history 201 class at byu. i loved how professor johnson was so passionate about architecture. he made chartres come alive, even though i could only see it in text books and powerpoints.

fast forward to 6 octobre, 2012. i was standing in front of chartres, and we got to have a group tour of the cathedral from the resident chartres expert - mr. malcom miller. he was very british and very wonderful.

up front, he told us that he wouldn't be able to tell us about everything. everything in chartres was symbolic, and he was still learning about the cathedral, himself. he did, though, tell us about the stained glass, the painting, the history of the building, and so much more.

one of the really interesting things that he said, and that i loved was, "the old testament is the new testament, veiled. the new testament is the old testament, unveiled." if you are familiar with the bible at all, take a minute to think about this statement. it's so interesting and true.

one of my favorite parts of the cathedral is the fact that the towers of the façade don't match at all. after a fire, one of the towers was built in the flamboyant gothic style, which does not fit in with the rest of the cathedral. it's really wonderful.

we actually got to climb up to the top of that tower, which was a w f u l, but so worth the 2,987,598,609,812,098,294,876 stairs. look at my photos. i mean, look at where we were!!

after lunch, we took the train home because it was time to take a nap before la nuit blanche!

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