Saturday, September 15, 2012

back in paris

hi friends! and family! and everyone!

so i'm officially back in paris after spending 8 days traveling through central and southern france. i can easily say it was one of the best (and longest) weeks of my life.

brief run down:

le puy en velay
pilgrimage hikes on the saint jacques de compostella trail
lots of beautiful french countryside
a few cows
lots of franglais (french and english combo that we have all gotten really really good at. scarily good.)
pech-merle cave paintings (25,000 years old, people)
canoeing on the dordogne river
amazing food
lascaux ii (15,000 year old cave paintings)
lots of bus time with our bus driver, jacquie
puy du fou - a french medieval amusement park
exploring castles
and coming back to paris

it has been amazing. it has felt like we've been in france forever. being on a study abroad is really very strange because you are immediately so close and comfortable with all the people you are with. i can honestly say i feel like i've known everyone here forever and it's been amazing.

i'll update more as soon as possible! with photos! tomorrow we are moving into our houses with our host families. good news : i'll have wifi. haha. so don't even worry about that.

so with that, a bientôt! ♡

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