Monday, September 17, 2012

vocab lists

week 1
je suis un vrai lapin - i am like a rabbit (dinner)
ça suffit or c'était parfait - never je suis plein (dinner)
une sucette - a pacifier (nomoprix)
quand on n'a pas la tête, on a les jambes - when you don't ahve your head, you have your legs to get up and fix it (dinner)
un poil - hair, arm or animal (class)
un cheveu - hair, from the head (class)
accueillant(e) - welcoming (fiche famille d'hébergement)
un montre - wristwatch (châtelet mall)
un porte bloc - clip board (bhv)
s'emprêter - to be disappointed in oneself (dinner)
avoir des rigoles - to have the giggles (dinner)
j'ai rien de plus petit - i have nothing smaller (dr h)
une portefeuille - wallet (dinner)
digérer - to digest (lunch)
un achat - purchase (fnac)
une noisette - hazelnut (class)
maudire - to lie, to swear (class)
un spray coiffant - hairspray (auchan)
a emporter - to go, food (pomme de pain)
la salle de culte - cultural hall (stake conference)
un huissier - usher (stake conference)
faire de contancting - to go contacting (stake conference)
le berger - shepherd (hymn)

week 2
la pouce - thumb (olivia)
le banc - bench (kayla and maddie)
la portefeuille - wallet (carine)
las(se) - weary (class)
sois sage - be good (dr h)
je rigole - i'm joking (nate)
je te défis - i dare you (nate)
tout à fait - actually (fromagerie)
j'avais tres peur - not beaucoup de peur (mme dard)
rendre - surrender (wwii museum)
l'ablution - consecration (church)
l'onction - annointment (church)
la dotation - endowment (church)
le scellement - sealing, temple marriage (church)
pardonner - to forgive (church)
un épreuve - test, trial (church)
receler - to conceal (word game)
chariot de supermarché - shopping cart (franprix)
agression - invasion (wwii memorial)
voiler - to cover, conceal (wwii memorial)
rattacher - to link up, unite (wwii memorial)
souscriver - to subscribe (wwii poster)
éclairage d'alêrte - alarm lights (wwii memorial)
le caoutchouc - rubber (wwii memorial)
les jumelles - bioculars (wwii memorial)
hobitisation - still looking for this! (wwii memorial)

week 3
une nuit blanche - stay up all night (dr h)
un peu près - "ish" (class)
l'esprit - mind (dr h)
un pepin - seed (dinner)
le violon - older version of a violin (cluny)
la cistre - ancestor of guitar (cluny)
la une - the one, metro, always feminine (dr h)
comme à convient - conveniently (dr h)
pochotheque - pocketbook, a specific brand (gibert jeune)
l'eau oxygéné - bleach (volunteering)
un diacre - deacon (frère euvrard)
un prêtre - priest (frère euvrard)
numero postale - zip code (taxi)
une religieuse - cream puff pastry ♡
un financier - small almond cake
un pieton - pedestrian (street sign)
un fond - la signification (class)
s/ - sur (street sign)
nommer - nominate (word game)
verrouillé - locked (computer)
batterie, pile - battery (monoprix)
brancher - connect (computer)
machoire - jaw (class)
un potager - vegetable garden (poem)
cuieller - to gather (poem)

week 4
un barbe - beard (cori)
barde à papa - cotton candy (cori)
s'en aller - to leave (dr h)
va-t'en - get lost, scram (dr h)
tiens - huh (dinner)
loisir - leisure (dinner)
malins - clever demons/devils (class)
un parí - bet (dr h)
malgré - in spite of (dr h)
ramener - to bring back (review)
mengager - to promise (poem)
ouvre l'oeil - keep your eye open, keep a watch (dr h)
tromper - to fool (dinner)
se tromper - to make a mistake (dinner)
je me suis trompé - i made a mistake (dinner)
filer - to flee (class)
parvenir - to manage (class)
la risée - the laughing stock (dinner)
hor-la-loi - outlaw (dr h)
dédale - maze (poem)
je m'en fiche - i don't care (review)
evêque - bishop (church)
greffier - clerk (church)
ternir - to deteriorate (class)

week 5
le teint - coloring (class)
hélas - alas (class)
plus me plaît - it pleases me more (dinner)
ainsi - therefore, thereby (nate)
quant a - regarding, with regards to (nate)
les deux filles - girls, what madame dard calls us
prêt-a-porter - ready to wear (stores)
la licorne - unicorne (cluny)
distributeur - dispenser (metro)
portes palières - landing doors (metro)
entraver - impede, obstruct (metro)
poussette - stroller (bus)
deplié(e) - unfolded (bus)
gabarit - template, gauge (bus)
genou, genoux - knee, knees (bus)
gêner - hinder (bus)
contondant - blunt (dinner)
coupant - sharp, cutting, biting (dinner)
électroménager - appliances (dinner)
un miroir - glaze (dinner)
une sauce - dressing, gravy, anything sauce-like (dinner)
les appétits - chives (dinner)
et il arriva que - and it came to pass (book of mormon)
veillée de noël- christmas eve (church)
apprentissage - discipleship, apprenticeship (church)

week 6
viens et suis-moi - come follow me (hymns)
bénédictions - blessings (church)
les apôtres - apostles (church)
s'agir - to be about, always conjugated in the singluar (class)
les impôts - taxes  (dinner)
approbation - approval (dinner)
croign - a fruit like a pear, but more bitter (dinner)
toutes à la fois - all at once, at the same time (dinner)
je me suis brisé(e) - i was exhausted (dinner)
ailleurs - somewhere else (dinner)
embarras - an obstacle (class)
les fonds - money, funds (class)
orgueil - pride (dinner)
la censure - censorship (class)
ouï - sense of hearing (class)
la superstition - superstition, when referring to the enlightenment it is talking about religion (dr e)
la dette - debt (dinner)
experience - experience or experiment (dinner)
mettre en cause - to question (dr e)
écrits epistolaires - correspondance (dr e)
naïveté - innocence (dr e)
faire semblant -pretend (class)
folâtrer - to play (class)
l'étalage - exposition (class)

week 7
croyances - beliefs (church)
la societé de secours - relief society (church)
la prêtrise - priesthood (church)
révérence - reverence (church)
la primaire - primary (church)
une caprice - fantasy, desire (class)
précepteur - teacher (dinner)
un vignoble - vineyard (dinner)
déguster - savor (dinner)
affreux - awful (dinner)
un néant - nothingness (class)
persane - persian (class)
paysan, paysanne - someone who lives in the country (dinner)
absolument no - over my dead body (dinner)
amorcer - to start, initiate (dinner)
c'est dingue - that's crazy (dinner)
une chose - thing, could be immaterial (dinner)
une truque - thing, usually always material (dinner)
cool - cool like hippy, laid-back (dinner)
chouette - cool like neat, fascinating (dinner)
flippant - creepy (movie)
j'ai trompé mes mots - i mixed my words (dinner)
il fait doux - it is mild, weather (mme dard)
corrumpt - corrupt (class)
panne mécanique - mechanical failure (metro)

week 8
un accident voyageur grave - serious accident of a passenger (metro)
se rendre ___ - to make something; ça me rend heureuse (mme dard)
la déception - disappointment (mme dard)
un léchec - failure (class)
la réussite - success (class)
moeurs - morrays, unspoken rules that govern a society (class)
sensibilité - sensitivity (mme dard)
avouer - to admit (dinner)
une leche-botte - boot-licker or brown-noser (dr e)
inexprimable - unexplainable (dinner)
désenchanté(e) - disenchanted (dinner)
bayer - to yawn (dr e)
une baie - a yawn, a lease (dr e)
remercier pour + NOUN (church)
remercier de + VERB (church)
benis-nous - bless us (church)
aides-nous (church)
a dieu - final farewell, don't say this when leaving the house (dinner)
dans le même galère - in the same boat (natey)
baptmême - baptism (church)
sembler - to seem, to resemble, to sound (dinner)
compris, inclus - including (dinner)
twitter - to tweet (metro poster)
humoristes - comedians (metro)
une nouvelle page est ouverte - a new leaf was turned over (dinner)

week 9
un enfant abandonné - an abandoned child (newspaper)
douleur adominale - stomach pain (newspaper)
fardé(e) - made up, dolled up (book)
bête noir - black beast, something that haunts you (book)
un ennui - boredom (book)
reconquérir - regain, to win someone back (teen people magazine)
un outil - tool (book)
la prémisse - premise (class)
le socle - base, foundation (newspaper)
une socquette - ankle sock (mme dard)
abaisser - to diminish, put down, lower (mme dard)
un bac à glace - ice tray (mme dard)
bagages à main - hand luggage (mme dard)
j'en ai marre - i'm fed up, i've had it (dinner)
sommeillé(e) - sleepy, drowsy (dinner)
un coup de foudre - love at first sight (mme dard)
combler son ennui - passage of time (class)
l'écume - foam (class)
rameurs - boat rowers (class)
un auditeur - listener (mme dard)
un actionnaire - shareholder (mme dard)
la floride - florida (mme dard)
un virus - virus, i thought she was saying "vie russe" (mme dard)
les collèges de la prêtrise - the levels of priesthood (church)
gentillesse - kindness (church)

week 10
l'ivresse - drunkeness (class)
un rhume - a cold (mme dard)
un tos - a cough (mme dard)
un nez qui coule - a runny nose (mme dard)
dedans - inside (mme dard)
un hoquet - hiccup (dr e)
hoqueter - to hiccup (dr e)
le jour d'action de grâces - thanksgiving (mme dard)
éphémère - ephemeral (class)
pommes de terre en purée - mashed potatoes (mme dard)
igname, patate douce - sweet potato, yam (mme dard)
guimauve - marshmallow (mme dard)
pois chiches - garbanzo bean (mme dard)
les haricots verts - green beans (mme dard)
velouté des champignons - cream of mushroom soup (natey)
mélanger - to mix (dr e)
le four - oven (dr e)
une casserole - a pot, a pan (mme dard)
poêle - stove (mme dard)
une allumette - a match, fire (dr e)
une spatule - spatula (dr e)
râper - to grate, food (dr e)
éplucher - to peel, food (dictionary)
être sur le bon chemin - to be on the right path (church)
le collège des douze apôtres - quorum of the 12 apostles (church)

week 11
soie naturelle - pure silk (flea market)
soif de sang - thirst for blood (movie)
gémir - to moan (class)
soupire - to sigh (class)

une fable - fable (class)
plein d'espoir, optimiste - hopeful (class)
la guerre nucléaire - nuclear warfare (class)
exestentialisme - existentialism (class)
mériter - to deserve (class)
soigné - tidy (mme dard)
souligner - stress, emphasize (church)
la soirée familiale - family home evening (church)
l'expiation - the atonement (church)
amour veritable - true love (mme dard)
la reglisse - licorice (mme dard)
le fenouil - fennel (mme dard)
le foie de poulet - chicken liver (mme dard)
l'effroi - terror (mme dard)
accrocher - to hang (mme dard)
essuyer - to wipe (mme dard)
emballer - to pack (mme dard)
chemin de table - table runner (christmas market)
en laine - wool (christmas market)
la sauce barbecue - bbq sauce (disneyland)
une succette - a lollipop (disneyland) 

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