dun dun dunnnnn.
so this morning i got up extra early so i could go to a print and copy shop before class started. i wasn't sure what time it opened, so i figured i may as well go earlier rather than later just to be safe. it was sunny when i got on the metro.
so at 8:45, i got to the self-copy. didn't open until 9:30. what's a girl to do? get hot chocolate, of course! i picked up a cup at starbucks (it was easy and fast...don't judge) and sat inside while reading my art history packet. i looked up at one point and what had once been blue skies were sheets of rain. good thing i brought my shell and umbrella! :)
so then i walked in the rain to the copy shop and got my handouts printed for my religion presentation (which went very well, thank goodness!). after that, i walked to notre dame, where we were meeting at 10 am for our art history class. (how cool is that?! to learn about gothic architecture, we actually met at notre dame. gahhhh so good.)
the rain while i was walking there was RIDICULOUS. like to the point that it was so bad, i had to put my umbrella away because it was breaking. i never thought i would say this...but i think target let me down. triste.
i finally got to notre dame after a few detours and i was soaking wet, even in my shell with a hood! somehow i ended up being early...so i just stood in the rain for a while until i found dr h! that was a happy thing. he let lucy, mallory, and i go inside while we were waiting for everyone else to show up so we could dry off a little and warm up. we did not dry off or warm up. in fact, i was so wet, my fingers were pruned.
took this of myself while waiting for the group because i'm so cool...ha. |
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found this one on my phone this evening. i feel like this describes my morning so well! |
lucy, mallory, me. attempting to get dry/warm in notre dame. |
see my french dictionary? the super warped book? that was the casualty of the day. turns out the kennedy center backpacks aren't waterproof. |
when we were finally all together, i'm pretty sure i snorted. we all looked so sad and wet and cold. such the pathetic little byu group. how could you not love us? :) we then got to explore notre dame and hear from dr h and bernie about the architecture, the stained glass, and the high relief carvings. it was so cool to see these things in person and not just be looking at a powerpoint slide. i think i am the luckiest girl in the whole wide world. scratch that. i am the most blessed girl in the whole wide world. i do need to go back (obviously), but on a sunny day when i can get the full effect of the stained glass and light in the space.
by the time we headed outside to learn about the three portals on the façade of the building, the rain had stopped. buuuut the wind had picked up. we that we thought we were going to fall over, it was so strong. ah! such an adventure! looking back, i keep laughing at how ridiculous it was. i'm pretty sure i've never seen weather like that that cleared up so quickly. by the time lunch was over, the clouds were all gone. and i thought utah was bipolar. ha.
after notre dame, we went to a little cathedral that i can't remember the name of...but it was the site of the infamous flying buttress comment.
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"does this make my buttress look big?" -dr h |
then we wandered over to l'église saint-séverin again to learn more about the architecture. i talked about that a little bit in a previous post. it was so pretty, even in the rain.
flamboyant stained glass window |
in religion, i gave a presentation on brigham young and early missionary efforts of the church around the world. (that's what i needed the handouts for, you see.) i think it went pretty well. cori and were talking about how we loved the powerpoints we learn from in that class because they are such a funny mix of french and english. there isn't really any rhyme or reason about what parts are in french and what parts are in english and it's kind of awesome.
then we had a small fhe. dr h brought us lemon gaufres from pierre hermé. oh. my. goodness. my quote of the day : "pierre hermé is the only man i will ever need in my life."
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died. |
alicia and i then tried to find boots. soaking wet toms for the rest of the semester just really aren't going to cut it here in france. ha. we really did try. honest to goodness we did. heaven knows we searched. but...to no avail. however, we did find some other good things. i got some flowers for my hair and alicia got some sweaters. and! good news everyone! i got a sketchbook and pencils.
tomorrow morning i'm going to the louvre before class to do some sketching. i am so excited. i don't think you understand. i can't WAIT.
until next time, mes amis!
"Does this make my buttress look big" + pierre herme = gold. love it.